The Best Blogs to Make You a Super Duper Writer

Nisha Tuli
April 10, 2023
April 20, 2023

There are hundreds of blogs out there for writers that cover everything from improving your craft to the business and marketing of being an author. There are ones that focus on indie publishing and those that focus on traditional publishing. 

It’s easy to get lost in the reams of information you can find online, so which writing blogs are worth checking out? While there is no definitive answer to that question, we’ve compiled a list of writing blogs that you’ll want to bookmark to help you on your writing journey. Just make sure you actually write, too, and don’t fall into the trap of just reading about writing (look, we’ve all been there).

Writers Unboxed

This blog offers a wealth of information on the craft of writing, including advice on character development, plot structure, and more. It also provides tips on publishing and marketing your work. 

What sets this blog apart is the supportive community of others who offer feedback and encouragement to one another.

Helping Writers Become Authors

Run by author K.M. Weiland, this blog provides practical advice on the craft of writing, with a focus on story structure and character development. Weiland also offers courses and tools to help you improve your craft.

The Write Practice

Find writing prompts, exercises, and other tools to help you improve your skills. It also features articles on the writing process and the publishing industry, as well as a supportive community of writers.

Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman is a publishing industry expert and author who shares her knowledge of the writing and publishing process on her blog. She offers insights on everything from query letters to book marketing, and her advice is practical and well-researched.

The Kill Zone

This group of experienced authors share their insights on the writing and publishing process and offer advice on everything from craft to marketing, and their varied perspectives provide a well-rounded view of the industry.


Author Kristen Kieffer offers resources and tools to help you improve your craft with advice on everything from worldbuilding to self-editing, and her supportive community of writers provides feedback and encouragement.

The Creative Writers's Toolbelt

Author Andrew J. Chamberlain shares practical advice on the craft of writing, as well as interviews with other authors and industry experts. Chamberlain also hosts a podcast with additional resources and insights.

Go Teen Writers

Run by authors Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson, this blog is geared toward young writers but offers insights and advice that writers of any age can benefit from. They give you tips on everything from character development to publishing, and have a writing community for support.

Writers Helping Writers

Authors Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi (of the Emotional Thesaurus fame) offer a range of resources to help you improve your craft, along with templates for everything from character profiles to scene development, as well as articles on the writing process and industry news.

The Book Designer

This blog, run by publishing expert Joel Friedlander, provides insights on book design and production, as well as marketing and promotion. Friedlander also offers courses and templates to help authors design and produce professional-looking books.


Here you’ll find a range of resources to help you improve your craft, including articles on grammar, style, and structure. They also offer a writing tool that can help you identify and correct common writing mistakes. Tip: ProWritingAid is integrated into Dabble to help with your spelling, grammar, and style.

Kristen Lamb's Blog

Run by author and social media expert Kristen Lamb. She offers insights on social media marketing for authors, as well as advice on writing and publishing. Lamb's no-nonsense approach is both informative and entertaining.

Daily Writing Tips

This blog shares daily tips on grammar, vocabulary, and style, as well as advice on writing and editing. It's a great resource to improve your writing skills and avoid common mistakes.

Writers Write

Find advice on the writing process, including tips on creating characters, writing dialogue, and developing plot. It also offers insights on publishing and marketing your work.

The Passive Voice

Read about news and insights on the publishing industry, including trends and changes. It's a great resource for those looking to stay up-to-date on the latest industry news.

Writing Excuses

This podcast offers insights on the craft of writing, including tips on worldbuilding, character development, and plotting. It's hosted by a group of experienced authors who provide practical advice and inspiration.

Writing Forward

Read advice on the writing process, including tips on grammar, punctuation, and style. Writing Forward also offers writing prompts and exercises to help you improve your skills.

The Write Life

Another blog that offers advice on writing, publishing, and freelancing. It also features resources on marketing and promotion, as well as interviews with successful writers and entrepreneurs.

Fiction University

Get advice on the craft of writing, including tips on developing characters, creating conflict, and building suspense. Fiction University also offers insights on publishing and marketing your work.

All Freelance Writing

If you’re looking into freelancing, this blog offers advice on freelance writing, including tips on finding clients, setting rates, and managing your workload. It's a great resource for writers looking to build a successful freelance writing career.

The Creative Independent

Read insights and inspiration for creative professionals, including writers, artists, and musicians. This blog offers interviews with successful creatives, as well as advice on managing your creative process and staying motivated.

Nathan Bransford

Run by author and former literary agent Nathan Bransford, this blog offers advice on the publishing industry, including tips on querying agents and navigating the publishing process. Bransford also gives insights on the craft of writing, including character development and plot structure.

The Creative Penn

The Creative Penn provides insights on writing, publishing, and marketing your work. Joanna Penn offers practical advice and inspiration for all stages of your career.

Terrible Minds

Author Chuck Wendig shares his irreverent and humorous take on the writing process on his blog. He offers advice on everything from plotting to marketing, and his no-nonsense approach is both fun and educational.

The Writer’s Digest

If you're a fiction writer, you can follow The Writer’s Digest for advice on the writing process, including tips on character development, plotting, and dialogue. They also offer resources on publishing and marketing your work.


And finally, we couldn’t write this article without mentioning DabbleU. This comprehensive blog publishes multiple new articles weekly on everything from craft, character, and structure to the business and marketing of traditional and indie publishing. 

Nisha Tuli

Nisha J Tuli is a YA and adult fantasy and romance author who specializes in glitter-strewn settings and angst-filled kissing scenes. Give her a feisty heroine, a windswept castle, and a dash of true love and she’ll be lost in the pages forever. When Nisha isn’t writing, it’s probably because one of her two kids needs something (but she loves them anyway). After they’re finally asleep, she can be found curled up with her Kobo or knitting sweaters and scarves, perfect for surviving a Canadian winter.