A Workshop on How to Win NaNoWriMo
Doug talks us through key strategies, tactics, and tricks. 2:00pm Eastern
A Little Something Extra to Help You Along
Some free prizes, downloads, and resources just for you!
What is Dabble?
Dabble is a beautiful tool for writing novels. It actually helps you become a better writer, simplifying story to leave more room in your brain to create. Try Dabble for free today!

Try Writing Organically
Writing characters whose actions are in concert with their identity.
Helpful Articles

How to Start a Writing Schedule You’ll Actually Stick To
Learn how to start a writing schedule you won't abandon within a month! This guide walks you through everything you need to know, from finding your most productive writing time to persevering through writer's block.
How to Write the Perfect First Chapter
The first chapter may very well be the most important in your entire book. But how do you write a first chapter that makes it impossible for your reader not to go to the next? We cover everything you need to know in this article.
Ready to Dabble?
Take Dabble for a spin and see for yourself why thousands use Dabble to write their novels.