Writing for hours together!
Join Hank and Robert for three hours of writing sprints together today! We’ll kick things off at 12:30pm Eastern—don’t miss it!
A Little Something Extra to Help You Along
Some free prizes, downloads, and resources just for you!
What is Dabble?
Dabble is a beautiful tool for writing novels. It actually helps you become a better writer, simplifying story to leave more room in your brain to create. Try Dabble for free today!

Discipline is Stronger than Motivation
By now, your motivation might be starting to wane—that’s where discipline becomes essential.
Helpful Articles

How to Get Back Into Writing: Dust Off Those Author Cobwebs
Getting back into a writing groove can be tough, but it's something every author deals with. In this article, we cover a variety of mindset tips and actionable advice to help you get back into writing.

Building the Big Bad: Don't Forget the External Conflict in Your Novel
Conflict. It’s the lifeblood of any story. Without it, all you’ve got is a bunch of people wandering around aimlessly. Conflict is the source of tension, excitement, suspense, and drama. It drives your plot, gives your characters motivation, and sometimes allows you to hold up a mirror to the world.
Ready to Dabble?
Take Dabble for a spin and see for yourself why thousands use Dabble to write their novels.