Marketing and Publishing
Whether writing is your hobby or career, you'll need to deal with the financial side of authorship sooner or later. It's not as fun as coming up with love triangles or magical worlds, but this Deep Dive tells you all you need to know to get a handle on your author finances.
In self-publishing, the author holds all the power. Here's how to wield yours to sell more books and build a sustainable career.
The bad news is that your books won't sell themselves. The good news is that there are more ways than ever to get your novel in front of readers. Here's how to create a marketing strategy that connects you with your future superfans.
No matter how much we want to ignore it, successful authors need a website. But there's more to a good author website than just throwing up a few nice words and pictures of your book. If you do it right, it could be your most powerful marketing tool.
Could you boosts your book's earning power and build a bigger following by publishing in foreign markets? The answer is... complicated. Here's everything you need to know about going global.
A little understanding of copyright law can go a long way when it comes to protecting your work, maximizing your income, and avoiding accidental infringement. Here's a simple, straightforward guide to get you started.
A book signing event is a great opportunity to build relationships with readers, local businesses, and the literary community. But planning it, preparing for it, and pulling it off takes some serious work. Here's how to get it done.
More people than ever before are writing e-books, whether they're hoping to build an author career, promote their own brand, or just want to put a little art into the world. If you're looking to do a little e-book writing yourself, this guide can help.
Your book cover is your first and most important marketing tool. If you could use a little inspiration (plus guidance!) for your next cover design, you've come to the right place.
Ghostwriting is a frequently misunderstood form of professional writing—when it's even known of at all. Consider this your comprehensive guide to all things ghostwriting: what it is, how it's done, and if it's even ethical.
Whether you want to start a publishing company to put your own work into the world or you plan to build a catalog full of other authors' works, this is your guide to the best strategies for building your literary empire.
Want to take your author game up a level and make it your day job? Then you need to treat it like a business. It doesn't matter if you have ten books under your belt or are working on your first one, this guide will get you ready to establish your business of writing.
Have you every wondered whether you can make a living as a writer? It is far from easy, but we break down the way you can achieve your dreams as a career author.
While self-publishing your novel is exciting, it can be overwhelming for the unprepared. Whether you're writing your first book or your fifth, this comprehensive guide will cover all the technical information you need to know to prepare yourself for self-publishing success.
Trilogies can provide many benefits to authors: expanded character and plot development, extra twists and turns, and even increased revenue. In this article, we discuss all that and more as we look at publishing and promoting a trilogy of books.
It's true what they say: having a clear author brand is key to your success in publishing. Here's how to brand yourself without compromising on authenticity or creative spontaneity.
Writing to market is what serious, career-oriented authors do. It means taking your passion and sculpting it to meet the needs of your audience to make a living. But how do you write to market? Let's chat about it.
If your dream is to see your book on the shelves of local stores, big retailers, and displayed in major online outlets, you might want to get published by a publishing house. But for first-time authors, which publishers should you be looking at? We break down everything you need to know.
Believe it or not, you can make a decent living with your creative writing skills. Here's everything you ever wanted to know about finding work as a writer.
Now that you've polished your manuscript within an inch of its life, you're ready to get your book published. If you plan to go the traditional route, here's everything you need to know.
What does it take to find a publisher for your book? How do you know when you've found the right publisher? And how do you convince the right publisher to bet on your novel? We've got all those answers and more right here.
If you're looking for a guide to literary agents, this one has ev-er-y-thing. Get all your questions answered, including how to find an agent, how to work with one, how much you have to pay them, and much more.
You've heard it before: becoming an author is a terrible get-rich-quick scheme. But what about bestselling authors? Aren't they rolling in it? Here's everything you wanted to know about the earnings of the elite few.
Want to write a book pitch that snags an agents attention, intrigues publishers, and gets readers clicking "buy"? Here's everything you know about composing the perfect sales pitch for your novel.
Sure, it isn't fun, but formatting your novel is an important part of the writing process. Whether you're submitting your manuscript to an agent or publisher, or you've decided to self-publish, understanding how to format a novel is essential for all authors.
Which of the three major publishing processes matches your vision for your author career? How long do they take? Which is most profitable? You'll find all those answers right here.
How long does it take to get a book published? And is there anything you can do to control the timeline? Here's everything you need to know to set realistic expectations and prepare for a smooth(ish) publishing process.
For many authors, including self-published writers, getting your books into bookstores is the ultimate goal. If you don't have a big publisher behind you, this article will set you up for bookstore success!
If you plan to publish your novel traditionally, you need to learn how to write a query letter to an agent. Here's everything you need to know to snag the attention of your future rep.
How much do authors make? It's a question every writer asks at least once. We break it down for you in this blog!
If you’re planning to become an indie author, one of the first things you might be wondering is: how do you price a self-published book?
Deciding whether or not to self-publish isn't something to be taken lightly. In this article, we cover the biggest pros and cons to help you decide if self-publishing is right for you.
With so many options for authors to publish their work these days, some people might be wondering if self-publishing hurts your chances for getting a contract with a traditional publisher. The answer isn't all that clear, so we break it down in this article.
Is submitting a manuscript to a publisher without an agent a good idea? Will it lead anywhere? And how does it work? We've got those answers for you right here.
The key to making more money as an author is to find the opportunities that best suit your skills and interests and work hard to achieve your goals. By exploring different options, you can increase your income, reach a wider audience, and achieve the success you've been dreaming of.
The publishing landscape is always changing, so many writers wonder: should I pay a publisher? Let's take a look at all your publishing options.
Making money with e-books is not a far-fetched fantasy. But it does take strategy and commitment. Here’s how to make it happen.
All book launch ideas have one goal: to connect you with readers who will love your book. Here are some of the best methods for reaching the right people in the right way at the right time.