
Dabble is a sleek powerhouse and an invaluable tool for writing thriller novels. In this guide, we discuss exactly what Dabble brings to the table and even include a template for your next thriller!

Settings are to thriller novels as Robin is to Batman, Hannibal is to Clarice, and pineapple is to pizza. That is to say, your thriller's setting is an integral part of what your thriller is, so we want to get it right... and that's what we're learning about in this article.

Whether you're writing a down-on-their-luck detective or a cat-and-mouse duo of hero and serial killer, thriller characters are what push your stressful story forward.

There is nothing more quintessentially thriller than suspense. It's that hold-your-breath feeling that we crave in these stories. So, if you want to write a thriller your readers will love, here's how you build heart-stopping suspense.

So you want to write a heart-stopping, white-knuckled, edge of your seat thriller? Well you've come to the right place. Join us as we decipher everything you need to know about writing a thriller.